quinta-feira, 25 de abril de 2013


Hi, this is Lenner, one of the directors of Mondo Institute. And now I want to talk to you a little bit more about Rule #1. What is Rule # 1? It is learn phrases not individual words. So, of course, what is a phrase? A phrase is a group of words, two or three or more words. So, that´s Rule # 1, it´s very simple, very easy, that you need to learn phrases, phrases, phrases. Focus on phrases, not on individual words.

So this is pretty simple, right? But it´s very powerful. And let me tell you why it´s powerful. So I know you probably learned English with normal textbooks and in normal schools. And so you´ve probably studied a lot of individual English words, right? You have your vocabulary list. There would be one word and then there would be the meaning in your language, the translation. So, that´s not so good. What we really want to do is learn phrases, groups of words, and there are a few reasons for that.

Number one, when you learn phrases, you are actually learning a little bit of grammar each time. Because what is grammar? Grammar really is the way that words go together. It´s how we put words together and which words go together, right? So we know that “he” and goes. Those go together. He goes to the store. We don´t say he go to the store, right? So we learn after time it´s he goes, he goes. He goes. That´s the correct phrase. You don´t need to know about past and present. You don´t need to know about first person, second person, third person. You don´t need to think about all those grammar rules but what you do need to do is just know that these words go together. And how do you do that?

The easiest way is you just learn phrases. So when you find a new word for you, something that´s new, in your notebook always write the words that it is with. Write the whole sentence or write the phrase that it is in. Very, very important. And then when you review your vocabulary, when you look at your notebook again, you never study just the one word. You always review and try to remember the whole phrase. And you learn the meaning of the whole phrase. When you do this, of course you´re learning a lot of vocabulary, but you´re also learning some grammar. But you´re learning it in a more natural way, the way that native speakers learn it. So that´s one of the big benefits of learning phrases instead of individual words. It´s a very, very natural way to improve your grammar and to learn grammar. It´s not the only way, there are other ways, too, and we´ll talk about those in later rules. But it is certainly one way that´s very powerful.

Another important thing about learning phrases, it´s faster. Now we´ve got a lot of research studies, there´s a lot of information about this and about learning phrases and learning individual words. And we find that when you learn phrases, when you focus on phrases, in fact you improve two to three to even five times faster using phrases instead of just individual words. So when you do this, again why is it so powerful? Because you´re learning in groups of words.

If you study word by word, one word and then one word and then one word, it´s not natural, right? When we speak we don´t speak one word by one word by one word. We speak in groups of words. We speak in phrases. And in fact, this is how native speakers, you know, Americans or Canadians or British people, this is how learn English. We always learn words in groups, almost never just one. And this is true for little children, too. Little children usually learn groups of words, chunks of words. And that´s why they can learn so quickly. They´re not studying one by one by one. They´re learning whole groups of words. In the beginning they only know what the phrase means. Maybe they don´t know every single word in the phrase, but they understand the whole meaning of the group. And then later, of course, as they learn more phrases they will also begin to understand each individual word.

This is a much faster way to learn a lot of vocabulary. It´s also the best way to speak faster. When you´re speaking if you think of each individual word, word by word, your speaking will usually be kind of slow. And it will sound unnatural because you´re speaking word by word by word by word. You have these strange breaks when you´re speaking. That´s quite normal for a lot students because they studied in schools, they used textbook. The breaks, when they stop, when they pause, they sound very strange to an American, to British person. They sound kind unnatural. Because they learned individual words, not phrases. We learn phrases. When do we pause? When do we have a break? Well we break between phrases. That´s what sounds natural.

So this will also increase your speaking speed. The more you study phrases the faster you will speak. And also your speaking will sound more natural to native speakers, to Americans, to Canadians, to Australians, etc. and that´s very important. It will help other people understand you better.

So as you can see, there are a lot of very important n you learn phrases instead of individual words. Son this is very powerful but so, so simple. How do you use it? It´s easy. Every time you hear a new word, every time you´re reading and you see a new word, always write down the whole phrase. Write down the other words that are with it. When you review, when aou look at your notebook again and you study a little bit… again you never study just the one word, always the whole group, always and the phrases. That´s it. Very simple, very easy and yet super powerful. So do this every time that you learn something now with English, alright?

When you do this you´re going to speak faster, you´re going to learn three, four, five times faster. Everything will improve, even your grammar. Okay so that is all for today. That is all for rule # 1. We will see you next time. Thank you and have great day. Bye-bye.

sábado, 16 de março de 2013

Aulas de Inglês:

English Lessons

What do you prefer, gold or silver jewelry? 
¿Qué prefieres joyas de oro o de plata?

Do you wear a ring on your finger? Do you wear earrings?
Do you wear a bracelet?

I wear a gold ring on my finger, it's my wedding ring. I usually don't wear bracelets but I often wear silver earrings.
What about you?

Have a great Tuesday!

Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.
By: Lenner Freeman

Aulas de Inglês:

English Lessons

Hello! Thanks for your comments about jewelry. 

Have you used our verb conjugator?
Take a look here http://www.curso-ingles.com/conjugar-verbos-ingles/conjugar.php

Now put in the verb THINK

and tell us the present tense, the past simple and the future for THINK.

I think
Yesterday I __________
Tomorrow I _____________

And now for the verbs BRING, HAVE and SELL.

Tell us the correct forms!
See you later!

Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.
By: Lenner Freeman

Aulas de Inglês:

English Lessons

Hello! How are you today?

What day is your birthday?

My birthday is the 1st of March.
My birthday is the 15th of June.
My birthday is the 22nd of September.

Take a look at the ordinal numbers (1st, 14th, etc.) here:

And then tell us what day your birthday is!

Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.
By: Lenner Freeman

 Aulas de Inglês:

English Lessons

Hello! We hope your weekend was fun and you enjoyed yourself! 

Yourself....qué significa yourself?

Look at this lesson about words like myself, himself, ourselves....


Then translate these sentences to Spanish and English:

1. We painted the house ourselves.
2. He likes to be by himself on Sundays.
3. Did you hurt yourself?
4. Hice el pastel yo mismo.
5. Sírvete un café tu mismo.
6. Ella se presentó a la clase

Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.
By: Lenner Freeman

 Aulas de Inglês:

English Lessons

How are you today?

Here is a summary (resúmen) of all the pronouns. 

Study it for a few minutes. 

Then do this test! It will only take a few minutes!

What's your score?


Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.
By: Lenner Freeman

Aulas de Inglês:

English Lessons

Hello. Thanks for participating and posting comments!

There are millions of immigrants living in the USA and Canada.
Are there a lot of immigrants in your country?
Or are you an immigrant yourself?

What do you think about immigration? 
Do you think people should be able to go to any country to live?

In what ways do immigrants improve our society?

Send us your comments and opinion.

Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.

By: Lenner Freeman


Aulas de Inglês:
English Lessons

Hello. Thank you for your comments about immigration.

Let's look at the difference between the PAST SIMPLE and the PRESENT PERFECT.


We went to the cinema last night. (past simple)
(Fuimos al cine anoche)

We've been to the cinema three times this month (present perfect)
( Hemos ido al cine tres veces este mes)

In the first example last night is finished. In the second example, it implies that this month still hasn't finished
( En el primer ejemplo anoche ha acabado. En el segundo ejemplo, implica que este mes aún no ha acabado)

Now, do this test:

What's your score?

Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.
By: Lenner Freeman

 Aulas de Inglês:
English Lessons

Hi. Are you ready to learn more English?
Would you say:

1. I'm interested to learn English. 
2. I'm interested in learning English.
(Estoy interesado en aprender inglés.)

Which is correct?
1. He quit smoking. 
or. 2. He quit to smoke.
(Dejó de fumar).

Look at this lesson on gerunds and infinitives. Después de ciertas expresiones o verbos ponemos el infinitivo o el gerundio ( y a veces podemos usar cualquier de los dos). Por ejemplo: I like WALKING along the shore. or I like TO WALK along the shore. ( Me gusta andar por la orilla)

After reading the lesson, do this quiz! http://www.curso-ingles.com/ejercicios-test-ingles/test_gerundio.php

Is it ....TO GO or GOING?
You can do it!
Send us your score!

Have a nice weekend!

Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.
By: Lenner Freeman

segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013

Últimas vagas para o Programa de Formação Linguística Definitiva.
Ligue:33218486 e faça sua inscrição.

quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2013

Buongiorno a Tutti!!!!!!!!

A melhor coisa a fazer, ao aprender uma nova língua (neste caso Italiano), é começar a falar essa língua imediatamente. Por favor leia o diálogo abaixo em Italiano e tente derivar o significado em Português das novas e desconhecidas palavras italianas a partir da tradução em Português à direita. 

A Sra. Alberti está falando com o Francesco, um dos seus estudantes. Leia o diálogo em voz alta para si mesmo. 


Professoressa Alberti (P): 
, Francesco!
Olá Francesco.
Francesco (F): 
, professoressa! Come sta?
Bom dia, professora, como está?
Bem, obrigada. 
F: Molto 
Muito bem, obrigado.
P: Hai una penna, Francesco?
  tens uma caneta?
, professoressa. Ho una penna. 
  la penna!
Sim, professora. Eu tenho uma caneta. Aqui está a caneta.
P: Hai 
  un quaderno?
Também tens uma pasta?
, ho 
  un quaderno.
  il quaderno!
Sim, também tenho uma pasta. Aqui está a pasta.
P: Hai il libro de italiano?
  tens o livro de italiano?
, mi dispiace, non ho il libro.
  ho il quaderno.
Não, desculpe. Eu não tenho o livro. Mas tenho a pasta.
P: Va 
. Dov'
  il quaderno, Francesco?
Não há problema. Onde está a pasta Francesco?
F: Il quaderno 
  tavolo, professoressa.
A pasta está na mesa, professora.
P: Cosa c'
O que está ali na mesa?
F: C'
  il quaderno 
  una penna.
Ali está a pasta 
  também a caneta.
  la lezione di italiano, 
Boa! Vamos começar a aula de Italiano.


P: Nihao, wo shi Pedro. Olá, eu sou Pedro. 
Y: Wo shi zhong guo ren. Eu sou chinês/chinesa. 
P: Wo de huzhao. Meu passaporte. 
Y: Wo yao zhe ge. Eu quero este aqui. 
P: Hen hao chi. Muito gostoso. 
P: Vamos a uma revisão rápida por que o que vamos aprender é uma das atividades principais em qualquer
viagem…as compras! Depois de estarmos satisfeitos com a refeição da semana passada, nós vamos
aproveitar para comprar umas lembrancinhas.
Y: Então nós entramos na loja e cumprimentamos com nihao. Damos uma olhada e assim que escolhemos,
podemos dizer como no restaurante: wo yao zhe ge, lembra-se? Wo, eu, yao, quero, zhege, este, esta, isto. 
P: Depois de dizer que quer este, wo yao zhege, a próxima pergunta certamente seria: “qual é o preço?”, não é
Y: Duo shao qian? Significa quanto custa. Duo shao qian. Duo, d-u-o, junto com shao, s-h-a-o, duo shao, é
para perguntar quanto. Qian, q-i-a-n, é dinheiro. (efeito sonoro de caixa registradora…). 
P: Então você perguntou duo shao qian, e daí levou um susto. Tudo isso!! Bom, o jeito é pechinchar, não é
mesmo? Por isso vamos aprender uma frase muito útil para isso: Keyi pianyi yidian ma? 
Y: A frase é mesmo comprida! Mas não se assuste, devagar a gente aprende.  Keyi pianyi yidian ma?
Significa pode ser mais barato um pouco? Keyi, k-e-y-i, é poder. Pianyi, p-i-a-n, e yi, -y-i, é barato. Yidian,
yi, y-I, junto com dian, d-i-a-n, é um pouco. Keyi pianyi yidian ma? 
P: Devagar, com simpatia, você consegue um desconto. 
Y: Wo yao zhege 
P: Duo shao qian? 
Y: Keyi pianyi yidian ma? 
Duo shao qian?   quanto custa?  多少 
Duo Shao ,    quanto,            多少 
Qian  dinheiro,               
Keyi,    poder              可以 
Pianyi,    barato           便宜 
Yidian,    um pouco         一点

quarta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2013

Dicas para nossos alunos do Brasil e do resto do Mundo. LEARN BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE NOW!!!!

sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2013


Welcome back to Classes!!!

 Olá!Já retornamos as aulas e com elas vamos recomeçar nossas vidas de estudos e desenvolvimento humano,educacional e profissional.Por enqua...