sábado, 16 de março de 2013

Aulas de Inglês:

English Lessons

What do you prefer, gold or silver jewelry? 
¿Qué prefieres joyas de oro o de plata?

Do you wear a ring on your finger? Do you wear earrings?
Do you wear a bracelet?

I wear a gold ring on my finger, it's my wedding ring. I usually don't wear bracelets but I often wear silver earrings.
What about you?

Have a great Tuesday!

Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.
By: Lenner Freeman

Aulas de Inglês:

English Lessons

Hello! Thanks for your comments about jewelry. 

Have you used our verb conjugator?
Take a look here http://www.curso-ingles.com/conjugar-verbos-ingles/conjugar.php

Now put in the verb THINK

and tell us the present tense, the past simple and the future for THINK.

I think
Yesterday I __________
Tomorrow I _____________

And now for the verbs BRING, HAVE and SELL.

Tell us the correct forms!
See you later!

Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.
By: Lenner Freeman

Aulas de Inglês:

English Lessons

Hello! How are you today?

What day is your birthday?

My birthday is the 1st of March.
My birthday is the 15th of June.
My birthday is the 22nd of September.

Take a look at the ordinal numbers (1st, 14th, etc.) here:

And then tell us what day your birthday is!

Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.
By: Lenner Freeman

 Aulas de Inglês:

English Lessons

Hello! We hope your weekend was fun and you enjoyed yourself! 

Yourself....qué significa yourself?

Look at this lesson about words like myself, himself, ourselves....


Then translate these sentences to Spanish and English:

1. We painted the house ourselves.
2. He likes to be by himself on Sundays.
3. Did you hurt yourself?
4. Hice el pastel yo mismo.
5. Sírvete un café tu mismo.
6. Ella se presentó a la clase

Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.
By: Lenner Freeman

 Aulas de Inglês:

English Lessons

How are you today?

Here is a summary (resúmen) of all the pronouns. 

Study it for a few minutes. 

Then do this test! It will only take a few minutes!

What's your score?


Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.
By: Lenner Freeman

Aulas de Inglês:

English Lessons

Hello. Thanks for participating and posting comments!

There are millions of immigrants living in the USA and Canada.
Are there a lot of immigrants in your country?
Or are you an immigrant yourself?

What do you think about immigration? 
Do you think people should be able to go to any country to live?

In what ways do immigrants improve our society?

Send us your comments and opinion.

Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.

By: Lenner Freeman


Aulas de Inglês:
English Lessons

Hello. Thank you for your comments about immigration.

Let's look at the difference between the PAST SIMPLE and the PRESENT PERFECT.


We went to the cinema last night. (past simple)
(Fuimos al cine anoche)

We've been to the cinema three times this month (present perfect)
( Hemos ido al cine tres veces este mes)

In the first example last night is finished. In the second example, it implies that this month still hasn't finished
( En el primer ejemplo anoche ha acabado. En el segundo ejemplo, implica que este mes aún no ha acabado)

Now, do this test:

What's your score?

Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.
By: Lenner Freeman

 Aulas de Inglês:
English Lessons

Hi. Are you ready to learn more English?
Would you say:

1. I'm interested to learn English. 
2. I'm interested in learning English.
(Estoy interesado en aprender inglés.)

Which is correct?
1. He quit smoking. 
or. 2. He quit to smoke.
(Dejó de fumar).

Look at this lesson on gerunds and infinitives. Después de ciertas expresiones o verbos ponemos el infinitivo o el gerundio ( y a veces podemos usar cualquier de los dos). Por ejemplo: I like WALKING along the shore. or I like TO WALK along the shore. ( Me gusta andar por la orilla)

After reading the lesson, do this quiz! http://www.curso-ingles.com/ejercicios-test-ingles/test_gerundio.php

Is it ....TO GO or GOING?
You can do it!
Send us your score!

Have a nice weekend!

Here are some tips to help you to speak a very good English.
By: Lenner Freeman

Welcome back to Classes!!!

 Olá!Já retornamos as aulas e com elas vamos recomeçar nossas vidas de estudos e desenvolvimento humano,educacional e profissional.Por enqua...